Monday, April 26, 2010

Medimpex And Lasco Is It Holistic


Hello, Some news
Fresh from Kilkivan. And nya that the news is fresh because it is more beautiful and hotter. C is the beginning of the dry season. The last weekends
was supported. We had the world al hotel. My bosses have organized an evening cowboys and Indians for 30 years their daughter. So big fiesta, well watered with about forty people. C was really nice and as you can tell from the photos, I was a little "sweet") c
Since Monday is calmer and we take these few days of respite for AC again Thursday for the entire weekend. Every Thursday, c is the evening "meal $ 5" so there is always the world and then this Friday and Saturday were 90 university students who come to camp next to the hotel and ca risk of being yet the party ... hard to be here!
Otherwise, I broke a piece of molar yesterday. I've been to a dentist appointment next Friday to Gympie c is to say 50 km from here since it nya no dentist here.
Since my last post, two backpackers are gone, two others arrived and one of them is already gone. So, there are two others that arrived. Matches, it is 4: a Scottish, 2 English and me.
Voili, voilou, I miss you more and more ...
A (very) soon ... Kisses.


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