Yesterday I was babysitting on land belonging to the sisters nuns of Bethlehem, the Assumption of the Virgin and Saint-Bruno in Chertsey, Montérégie ( about 1 hour from Montreal). Once every three or four months, several Christian families gather together all day on Saturday to pray and do activities together. That's what they call Faith and Family ! Yesterday, while parents attended the Mass and adoration, I went sledging and crafts with their children. I particularly cared for the group of 4-7 years, with five lovely girls all over each other (Alizée, Sarah, Astrid, Florence and Théoxane) and four little boys really cute . During the morning we had the chance to meet with Sister Angelina, one of the nuns, who made the catechism. She asked the children how they would describe Jesus in a word, and their responses were: "a king", "our lord", "father sky" ... I found it very beautiful, especially from children so young!
At dinner, two other sisters nuns came to make new families. I was very happy to see Donald sister, who runs the community, especially as she remembered my name! :) I took the opportunity to talk with her about the earthquake disaster in Haiti. Sister Donald told me that if there had been an earthquake in Haiti, it was not because God had wanted ; he has, at most, permits . He has perhaps because he knew it was going to force the Haitian people to help each other and to start on a new footing, especially as it would require rich countries to provide money and food in Haiti, and indeed, many countries have completely canceled the debt that the Haitian people had contracted for them !
Later during dinner, I had the chance to discuss with the baby of the community, Sister Bruna Lux, who made his vows for just seven years! She surprised me by telling me that when she visited the monastery of contemplative nuns of Bethlehem in France, it was not the youngest person to follow the "training" to become a sister, that many were in the young twenties. Like what Quebecers have largely rejected God, but this is not the case everywhere! It still is and always present, He lights sparkle in people's hearts and girls like me ...
I would love to take pictures of the sisters, but I did not dare ask them ... and besides, I do not know if they would have accepted that I publish them here! I will ask them next time. I just wish that you could see their faces! All sisters nuns I met so far have a luminous figure, happy and fulfilled as I've never seen elsewhere. My former teacher of religion, Mr. Phaneuf, who was present yesterday with his family, said that the face of these sisters, there was the greatest proof of the existence of God. I think he's right! Those women choosing to live alone in a small cell, silent almost all day, attend Mass every day, praying only for hours, go to bed at 19 pm at night and get up at 4 am, have very little contact with family and outdoor life, and yet they are immensely happy as their appearance does not disappoint! That can only be the work of God ... what do you think? ;)
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I love you all and thank you for reading!
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