Friday, February 26, 2010

All Of Jeff Hardy's Book Bages

Summer Camp at Magdalen College!

few months ago, I discovered that the Internet exists in the U.S. universities (they call college) of Catholic tradition. Generally, students and teachers attended the morning Mass, and this, in the walls of the school. The teachers are all believers and practitioners of their subject and give a Christian perspective. It is not beautiful, right? :)
about a week ago, just in case, I am returned to the website Magdalen College, Catholic University of America's closest Montreal, located in New Hampshire. As you explore a bit more of its different sections, I found it , I had not noticed during my previous visits. The college offers a Catholic summer camp for youth ages 15 to 18 with a duration of two weeks, with courses in theology and philosophy in the morning and social activities and sports in the afternoon. The campers also have the chance to go to sea and travel to Boston to visit historical sites! When I saw that, I immediately was super excited and hopeful, especially since the cost of living is very low: $ 350 U.S. if it falls before April 1 and $ 700 U.S. if s registrant after. I almost thought I could pay my way myself! :)
I told my mother, who was immediately enthusiastic (youppi!: D). The next day I told my father, who himself was a little more resistant to the idea ... You see, my father is father hen! He said that since he did not know where I wanted to sign and he was afraid that the staff Camp is a little too radical Catholic (!), he would need more information before making its decision. I must admit I was frustrated! Finally, well, I wrote to my former religion teacher, Mr. Phaneuf, whether he knew of Magdalen College. He said no.
I gathered all the information I could find on the camp and I expect my father to read it. I really hope he will accept that I register. Share my everyday with people my age who have committed to their religion is a big dream for me, because in Quebec, I feel very alone. What a wonderful opportunity it would be! What a challenge, also, to speak English for two full weeks, I who is not bilingual! :)
However, I must keep in mind that this project does not depend on me. Everything depends on my love, God! Indeed, if He wants me to go to Magdalen College, I'll be extremely happy, but if he refuses me, it will not because he loves me not: instead, it will be because that 'He loves me and He has a better plan for me this summer. I trusted him completely! :)

In closing, I would like to share my happiness now have 6 members subscribing to my blog! Also thank you to readers Anonymous. I love you all. Thank you for reading! Have readers makes blogging (how does one call it, exactly, the action of blogging?) Really enjoyable!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Online Comprehension Game

NZ: destination not to be missed!

Kia ora (hello in Maori) is Ca
J have found paradise. A great country or all landscapes are more beautiful than each other. Everything was going perfectly. I have the parachutes 2 days ago and c was awesome and again, c is little to say ... but happiness!
60 seconds of freefall altitude at 4500 ®!
wow I'm already ready to start.
The weather is often overcast in the morning and sunny yesterday or the aprem unless it rained bcp.
C is short but not so much time on the internet.

Coromandel Peninsula

No comment!
Mud Pools

Geyser Wai-O-Tapu

Lake Taupo Wellington

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fishing Boat Blueprints

Since the last time,
- 2 sunny days and Jervis Bay with Anouck Neiry. It was hot and it was especially good advantage of the beach ... relaxation! Because it is true that life is stressful here;)
- farewell party with all friends sydney siders.
- And most importantly, departure for NZ. The plane was 1 hour late but I am arrived Friday night in Auckland. I've spent the day yesterday to visit the city and that of today was a walk of 15 km from the coast opposite to that of Auckland.
The weather is great here and I am sure that this trip will be memorable. More news in
qqs days.
Jervis Bay

If it is not life grand!
walk through the marshes.
Neiry, Anouck and me.

Auckland, Queen st.

Holy Trinity church.
visist the Museum of Auckland and the discovery of Maori culture.

Good news, I have found Bibi seal.
First face to face with a shark.
Auckland Domain.
Not easy to be a 4 around the same table!
Crater of Mt Eden.
view of Auckland.

Cornwall Park.
Yes, sheep!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pd 00507 English Bulldog Puppy Breeders

Faith and Family, taken 4 Saving Sarah Cain

Yesterday I was babysitting on land belonging to the sisters nuns of Bethlehem, the Assumption of the Virgin and Saint-Bruno in Chertsey, Montérégie ( about 1 hour from Montreal). Once every three or four months, several Christian families gather together all day on Saturday to pray and do activities together. That's what they call Faith and Family ! Yesterday, while parents attended the Mass and adoration, I went sledging and crafts with their children. I particularly cared for the group of 4-7 years, with five lovely girls all over each other (Alizée, Sarah, Astrid, Florence and Théoxane) and four little boys really cute . During the morning we had the chance to meet with Sister Angelina, one of the nuns, who made the catechism. She asked the children how they would describe Jesus in a word, and their responses were: "a king", "our lord", "father sky" ... I found it very beautiful, especially from children so young!
At dinner, two other sisters nuns came to make new families. I was very happy to see Donald sister, who runs the community, especially as she remembered my name! :) I took the opportunity to talk with her about the earthquake disaster in Haiti. Sister Donald told me that if there had been an earthquake in Haiti, it was not because God had wanted ; he has, at most, permits . He has perhaps because he knew it was going to force the Haitian people to help each other and to start on a new footing, especially as it would require rich countries to provide money and food in Haiti, and indeed, many countries have completely canceled the debt that the Haitian people had contracted for them !
Later during dinner, I had the chance to discuss with the baby of the community, Sister Bruna Lux, who made his vows for just seven years! She surprised me by telling me that when she visited the monastery of contemplative nuns of Bethlehem in France, it was not the youngest person to follow the "training" to become a sister, that many were in the young twenties. Like what Quebecers have largely rejected God, but this is not the case everywhere! It still is and always present, He lights sparkle in people's hearts and girls like me ...

I would love to take pictures of the sisters, but I did not dare ask them ... and besides, I do not know if they would have accepted that I publish them here! I will ask them next time. I just wish that you could see their faces! All sisters nuns I met so far have a luminous figure, happy and fulfilled as I've never seen elsewhere. My former teacher of religion, Mr. Phaneuf, who was present yesterday with his family, said that the face of these sisters, there was the greatest proof of the existence of God. I think he's right! Those women choosing to live alone in a small cell, silent almost all day, attend Mass every day, praying only for hours, go to bed at 19 pm at night and get up at 4 am, have very little contact with family and outdoor life, and yet they are immensely happy as their appearance does not disappoint! That can only be the work of God ... what do you think? ;)

Comments are always trèèèèèès appreciated!

I love you all and thank you for reading!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prolific Pl-2303 Driver

Arrive in NZ for NZ J-6 J-13

Hi lovers, and others,
It is fast approaching! Wow!
I leave my 2 gigs today after two long weeks of work)
I've spend last Friday in the Blue Mountains (the return) ... nothing breaks! C was superb and I've been lucky with the time, no rain. But since AC has flared up.
Wednesday and Thursday, I will spend 2 days in Jervis Bay, 200 km south southeast of Sydney. I will go with Neiry. It appears that c is one of the most beautiful sites in NSW. Al beach look good and the weather sunny s announcement.
I will try to post some pictures before leaving but the internet connection is not terrible right now, so I make no promises.
I made big kisses.
Happy Valentine's Day to all the love and courage for all other c ... tomorrow is over!

Blue Mountains

3 Sisters

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Absolutely Adorable Kylie Wylde Mb

I'm back with a movie review!

The works of the 7th art that promote Christian values are rather rare nowadays. Yet, Friday night I had the chance to listen Saving Sarah Cain director Michael Landon Jr. (son of the legendary Charles Ingalls from the famous television series Little House on the Prairie - yes yes!)

Abstract Film
Sarah Cain (Lisa Pepper ) is a young journalist who lives alone in an apartment in Portland. It does not seem to have many friends and no known family. One day, while she is eating at the restaurant with her boyfriend, his niece Lydda, she's never met, telephoned him to announce the death of his mother (the older sister of Sarah). It then goes to the funeral and meet the brothers and sisters of Lydda, two boys and two girls. A lawman (DPJ American, if you will) comes just after the ceremony to announce that since Sarah is the only family member still alive, she is now the guardian of her five nephews and nieces. However, members of the Amish community children belong to which object to Sarah the student because she does not practice Christianity. What is the solution adopted by Sarah? Lydda and others they adapt to their new lives? Sarah why she had cut contact with his sister?

I must admit I was not expecting much from Saving Sarah Cain , having already seen Raising Helen, which has exactly the same starting point. However, several items made me appreciate the film. First, we learn more about the intriguing Amish community . Then the film was made from a Christian perspective, but never falls into the preaching and moral-made. Moreover, the actors are all very good. Finally, Saving Sarah Cain did not drop the clichés and the tone is not too maudlin. In short, I recommend it to anyone who wants to see a film that speaks of God in a very discreet, who want to learn more about the Amish and are willing to go through a great range of emotions! :)

Note: I could be wrong, but I doubt you will find the movie in a regular video store. For my part, I've rented on iTunes for $ 3.99.

Please read me. I think you hard, and I pray God to keep everyone in his large heart. ;)