Monday, January 18, 2010

What Type Of Wax To Use For Brazilion

Explanation of my long absence ... Haiti

I've been rather absent from my blog the past two months. I planned to write more during my vacation, but I must admit not having had a taste or strength. In fact, the real problem is that I did not feel up to it. What I mean by that is that it is often difficult for me to persevere in my faith. I love God, I love the saints and I like the values promoted by Catholicism, but as I often said my former religion teacher: "a single Christian is a Christian who always ends up getting discouraged" . Although I read books on the subject and I know some other Catholics, I have no friends my age who is, and this, I miss it tremendously. I would love to talk with a group of girls like me who do not look at me through when I say the words "vocation," "chastity" or "religious"!
short, the past few weeks have been difficult for my spiritual side, which explains my absence.

Tonight, during my short prayer, I thought the girls of Haiti. I always pray to my room, and tonight, her beauty (if one can call a room of "beauty") as I "appeared". My room is painted pink, it contains a large comfortable bed, a very soft carpet, an old wooden chest, two large libraries filled with books and magazines, a desk with a computer ultra-modern clothing all seasons, cute objects, pictures of my extended family, etc.. I told myself: "But what am I lucky! My room, like much but that seems rather ordinary compared to others I've already seen, is a true vision of paradise girls of Haiti! " I promised to take better care of my personal space, since I had the chance to have one, and lots of girls around the world are desperate to be in my place!

I do not know about you, but I, for tragedies like the earthquake that struck Haiti, I feel helpless. I am ashamed write it, but I change positions on TV when I see that journalists are still talking about the disaster. I would change places with a girl there and invite him to stay here in Canada, while I'd go live in chaos. Why is it that it is always the same ones who suffer?

I intend to give money. If all 32 million Canadians gave $ 10, we already happen to something extraordinary! After all, in the eyes of God we are all brothers and sisters ... :)


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