Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Hair Does Myammee Use

to NZ's it ... it was time!

Finally, J work! I did a trial run yesterday in a restaurant. I start next week so it will be short (3 weeks, not even) but hey, at least I can put money aside.
So, after applying for 70 jobs, that's it! But in Sydney and surrounding areas, it lacks serious work! In short, waiting for J have spent 2 weeks of holidays ups with all french friends that I have met. Conclusion, I have a little sore ... not cool. But I've yet to get over the weekends. My parents come back today and will return Saturday from Cairns to the land of rain. Well yes, it is happening very quickly but they have air to be many benefits!
I kiss you and see you soon.
Neiry, my roommate Paris.
BBQ at home.
Bondi beach with huge waves.
Australia Day, January 26.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Master Lock Combination Finder

aaaarrrrrrgggggg !!!!!!!

OOOOhhhhhh! Still no job in Sydney .... It appears that c is the beginning of the crisis here. It promises!
Otherwise, it goes. I meet more than french Australians. And the summer is finally happening. But hey, you know me: jm Embete without work. 2 more appointment this week and 1 next week so cross your fingers.
Kisses the Pomeranians.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What Type Of Wax To Use For Brazilion

Explanation of my long absence ... Haiti

I've been rather absent from my blog the past two months. I planned to write more during my vacation, but I must admit not having had a taste or strength. In fact, the real problem is that I did not feel up to it. What I mean by that is that it is often difficult for me to persevere in my faith. I love God, I love the saints and I like the values promoted by Catholicism, but as I often said my former religion teacher: "a single Christian is a Christian who always ends up getting discouraged" . Although I read books on the subject and I know some other Catholics, I have no friends my age who is, and this, I miss it tremendously. I would love to talk with a group of girls like me who do not look at me through when I say the words "vocation," "chastity" or "religious"!
short, the past few weeks have been difficult for my spiritual side, which explains my absence.

Tonight, during my short prayer, I thought the girls of Haiti. I always pray to my room, and tonight, her beauty (if one can call a room of "beauty") as I "appeared". My room is painted pink, it contains a large comfortable bed, a very soft carpet, an old wooden chest, two large libraries filled with books and magazines, a desk with a computer ultra-modern clothing all seasons, cute objects, pictures of my extended family, etc.. I told myself: "But what am I lucky! My room, like much but that seems rather ordinary compared to others I've already seen, is a true vision of paradise girls of Haiti! " I promised to take better care of my personal space, since I had the chance to have one, and lots of girls around the world are desperate to be in my place!

I do not know about you, but I, for tragedies like the earthquake that struck Haiti, I feel helpless. I am ashamed write it, but I change positions on TV when I see that journalists are still talking about the disaster. I would change places with a girl there and invite him to stay here in Canada, while I'd go live in chaos. Why is it that it is always the same ones who suffer?

I intend to give money. If all 32 million Canadians gave $ 10, we already happen to something extraordinary! After all, in the eyes of God we are all brothers and sisters ... :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Kind Of Weave Does Myamee Weaves

and Happy New Year 2010!

Remember this: Happiness is a way to travel, not a destination.

to Ponder ... :)