Saturday, October 31, 2009

Green Stool More Condition_symptoms

Witnessing my The blessing of faith

Today I was witness to my faith to a group of ten young people between ten and thirteen who are preparing for confirmation Leunis center. I told them about what it was to be a witness of Jesus, of what being a young Catholic in Quebec these years and the importance of not being alone in his faith, go to church with someone we know, for example. I was nervous because it was the first time I shared my faith with a group of children - or tweens - and I had the impression of speaking too quickly, not being clear enough, to mix my subjects ... it was so important for me to send them the happiness brought by the Christian life! I could spend hours with them in depth on certain topics and answer their questions. I hope so much that they grow in faith and they will pass through this difficult period of adolescence keeping Jesus in their hearts ... I will pray for them, and I invite you to do it too! :)
Lord, I pray thee, paves the way to love your children, Ariane, Jasmine, Aurelie, Blandine, Timothy, Christian, Fernando, and Philippe Rostand.
(I feel like I forgot one of the boys ... if so, Lord, you know necessarily who he is, it protects them too!;)

Thanks to those who read me: you make me happy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Femaleship Of The String Free


Today I received the greatest gift: a baby gave me a kiss! : D

This morning, like every other weekend, dad and I went visit my uncle, my aunt and my cousins, Benjamin, nine, and Alexander, one year. Being an only child, I see my cousins as my little brothers with all that that implies funny and less funny ... (For example, in family dinners, it happens that I do not finish my plate. Benjamin, who copies his father constantly making fun of me starts to sing a little shrill and annoying "J ' Fred reminds me of when ... not eat his spaghettiiiiii ... "Do not try to understand the link with the spaghetti, that's another story). In short, my cousins are sometimes grueling, but they are also really cute ! Today, when I arrived home, Alexander, aka Coco or Munchkin, was lying on the couch and slept soundly. The quietest tables!
An hour later, I got off the second floor where I styling Aunt Caroline with curlers (to which Benjamin responded by saying, and I quote: " Yark! That just makes girl!" He nine years, what do you ... the poor live its phase I-hate-the-girls-and-all-that-which-is-their-own ...) to realize that Alexander was awake. When he saw me, his face lit up and he smiled. Just to see that he recognized me, it made my day! The smile of a baby, it puts the sun in your heart! Then I took him in my arms and then he gave me a kiss. He glued his lips on my cheek mini with a little noise before recovering and looking at me. I was so excited that I almost cry) my sunshine baby, my baby full of joy, gave me a kiss for the first time. A miracle! I look back and my heart warms itself! :)

I wish you all had a baby in your life!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Marcin Jankowski, Paryż

Why not a priest?

Today I was at the Mass 30 to 16 pm St. Joseph's Oratory. Interestingly, a young woman dressed all in white, somewhat in the same style as the three priests present, has also distributed the wafers at communion. For those who say that the Church does not modernize, here is proof to the contrary! ;)

few days ago, I came across this video (this video This video? I never know what is the word to use! Let me know if you know ...) that this forty new priests from around the world that we explain in one sentence, why they chose to embrace the vocation. It's short, simple and refreshing. :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Marcin Jankowski, Pieniny

About Me ... 10 Secrets

1. I look forward to having an apartment or house to me. I am extremely attached to my parents and I live in their houses (their plural because my parents are separated), but I can not wait to decorate, paint, fix my own little nest.

2. I hate going shopping. First, because it's rare that I find not even one piece of clothing that I like, but mostly because of the hyper-present in almost all the shops! The plastic models have a waist of about 15 centimeters and the pictures hung on the walls show three-quarters of women who seem to look undressed customers with an air of sensuality. That is without mentioning the music being played at full speed. Have you ever heard of good music at the mall, you? Not me!

3. I have a real passion for hoop skirts! It is a good amount of my favorite movies, as Sissi Gone With The Wind, Little Women and Anna and the King , I look again and again just to contemplate the dresses! I want to wear more often, but the dresses simple, everyday, and more for girls my age are rare in Montreal stores ...

4. I find that cats are the most beautiful creatures animal. Since I have about three years, I'm going nuts about cats. Their small ears, their noses pink, their whiskers, their tail that moves, super soft fur, they have the pads on the legs ... so cute!

5. Some congregations of nuns still wear the coat and the traditional white veil. Personally, I think it's wonderful. They appear wedding every day of their lives! If I became religious, I'd love to wear the dress!

6. Usually, I wait long to publish another article on my blog because I'm afraid of not being interesting or have a style of writing too heavy.

7. I am fascinated by large families. It probably comes from the fact that I so, so loved but have brothers and sisters ... or, at worst, just a brother and a sister fair. In recent months, the family Duggar fascinates me. They had eighteen children, 10 boys and 8 girls, aged between 21 years and 10 months. Eighteen children! United States, the family is rather controversial: people say it does not make sense to have more children, they are costly to state that the fact that children can not date before marriage is ridiculous, and so on. Personally, I think the controversy surrounding them has been created by people who do not understand the Christian lifestyle. Watch the faces of parents, the children's faces: they look happy and bright. :)

8. I spend much of my free time on the Internet to discover new blogs written by Catholic girls like me. These blogs feed much my faith and remind me that, despite the fact that I am the only believer among my family and friends, I am not alone in the world!

9. Among my worst qualities, I count procrastination, impatience and laziness.

10. I've always been more comfortable with adults than with people my age. When I was little at school, I was often labeled as "shy" or "reading light" because at recess, I most often the nose in my books. (Even in winter!)